Pastor Mecwan, along with Pastor Greg Ruble and Mike Dickey from Living Streams Community Church, will be visiting India from February 12th to March 1st. They have so many opportunities to share the Gospel while they are there which gives us many opportunities to pray for them. Below is their itinerary for the trip and how we can support them in prayer.
(India is 10 ½ ahead – Times list are in Indiana Time)
Feb 12-13 – Travel Days
Pray for safe travel, on time flights and luggage to arrive at the destination.
Leaving Sunday, Feb 12, 3:25p
Expected Arrival In Ahmadabad India, Feb 13, 2:15p
Feb 14 – Rest Day
Pray for good sleep and our internal clocks to begin to adjust.
Feb 15 – Pastors & Elders Conference, Umreth, 12a – 6a
Pray for God to give us energy and to be able to encourage these church leaders. Pray for the Spirit to give fresh hope, joy for the task, strength and endurance even in facing opposition and love for the people they minister to.
Feb 16 – Pastors & Elders Conference, Godhara, 12a – 6a
Pray for God to give us energy and to be able to encourage these church leaders. Again, praying for the Spirit’s joy, hope, strength and love to pump these leaders up to do all that He calls them to..
Feb 16 – Open Air Gospel Preaching, Godhara, 10a – Noon
Pray that God will draw many unbelievers to this meeting and use us to lead people to Jesus. Pray the listeners hearts and spirits can be opened to the truth and they can truly believe in only Christ for salvation. Pray for protection against spiritual opposition to the Truth.
Feb 17 – FCF Prayer Group, Nadiad, 4a – 7a
Pray that we can encourage these prayer warriors in their faith and share the gospel with those who don’t know Jesus. Pray for new believers!
Feb 18 – Pastors & Elders Conference, Ahmedabad, 12a – 6a
Pray that we can encourage these church leaders in their ministry and move them to be missionaries in their home towns. This event could have over 500 pastors!
Feb 19 – Preaching In Churches, Ahmedabad, 10:30p – 12:30a
Both Mike and Pastor Greg will be preaching at different churches on this Lord’s Day. Pray God uses us to bring the fresh wind of His Spirit to these believers.
Feb 19 – Church Retreat, Ahmedabad, 1:30a – 3:30a
This event is after Sunday morning church services. Pastor Greg will be preaching at this retreat. Pray for the Spirit’s power and that people will be encouraged and strengthened in the Lord.
Feb 19 – Open Air Gospel Preaching, Vaso, 9:30a – 11:30a
This will be the end of a very long day. Pray for endurance and energy to share the gospel with unbelievers. Pray for new faith and a good crowd!
Feb 20 – FCF Church Meeting, Amreli, 5:30a-7:30a
Visiting with an FCF house church this day. Pray that God the Spirit uses us to disciple new believers and lead those curious to Jesus.
Feb 21 – FCF Church Meeting (6 groups), Junagadh, 7:30a-9:30a
We’ll be bringing together six of the house churches for this meeting. Pray that God the Spirit uses us to disciple new believers and lead those curious to Jesus.
Feb 22 – FCF Church Meeting, Rajkot, 7:30p-9:30p
Another house church meeting. Pray that we will love them well and encourage them in their faith. Pray for new believers!
Feb 23 – Rest Day
Pray that we can get a good sleep and use our time to refresh in the Lord.
Feb 24 – FCF Church Meeting, Vadodora, 12a-2a
Keep up the prayers for these new churches, for new believers to be encouraged in their faith and for new faith for unbelievers.
Feb 25 – FCF Church Revival Meeting, Surat, 5:30a – 7:30a
This meeting is with more FCF house churches. Pray that we see God stir them to evangelism and faithfulness. Pray that the lost get found too! Pray, also for loving unity and care for each other.
Feb 26 – FCF Church Meeting, Mumbai, 5:30a-7:30a
We are gathering three house churches together for this meeting. Discipling new believers and sharing the Gospel are on the agenda. Pray that we encourage a closer walk with Jesus and faith in Him.
Feb 27 – FCF Mumbai Outreach, 9:30a – 11:30a
Our last open air preaching opportunity. Pray that God brings many to new faith in Jesus! Pray against the many strongholds and the Enemy’s lies to be overcome!
Feb 28 – Rest & Packing
We start to pack up for home this day. Our flight leaves Mumbai at 1:30p
Mar 1 – Travel day
Pray again for travel mercies, on time flights and a tail wind! Our plane is scheduled to arrive in Indianapolis at 10:30a.
Thank you for following along each day and covering us in prayer. Every day we need prayer for energy, health and safety. Don’t forget to lift up our families at home too!
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